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Sanderson Thanks Valued Supply Partners



Dear Valued Partner:

I hope this letter finds you well amidst COVID19’s many challenges.

On behalf of Sanderson MacLeod, I would like to thank you for your efforts in supporting our critical domestic infrastructure. For bravely heading into work every day. And, for choosing Sanderson MacLeod as your supply partner.

No doubt, each of us has dealt with new challenges that, just a few short months ago, would have been unthinkable. We’ve all needed to prioritize organizational safety like never before, and find new and creative ways to stay productive. More importantly, we’ve had to admit and accept how suddenly our once normal and familiar routines can change. In the future, I am certain that none of us will take “business as usual” for granted.

I also believe that, when the dust from COVID19 finally settles, our partnership will be stronger, more collaborative and better aligned than ever before. Together, we will work together to ensure “American Made” defines not only where a product comes from, but the determined, hardworking network of people who provide it.

In the meantime, I am pleased to report that Sanderson MacLeod facilities remain 100{86fff9176df7dae354d5829d6a21a9cac1dae155d05f447306f9bfa827f3a396} operational and our team is working 24 hours a day to keep parts flowing. We remain well-stocked with critical raw materials and production capabilities have been increased through additional
automation installations. As always, please feel free to call upon us at any time should we be of assistance.

Stay safe, stay productive and best wishes for rapidly making the 2020 COVID19 pandemic a distant memory.


Mark N. Borsari



Previous Operational Statements

SanMac Expands COVID19 Mitigation Efforts

Sanderson MacLeod, Inc.
Operational Statement: COVID-19 – April 13, 2020

Fully Operational, Extended Operations and Shortened Lead Times

Sanderson MacLeod, Inc. Operational Statement: Company Deemed MA “Essential Manufacturer” [PDF]

Sanderson MacLeod Operational Statement on COVID-19, March 18, 2020 [PDF]